Maneras de dar
Investing in the first five years of a child's life has the power to create intergenerational change. Your generosity helps build a more inclusive and equitable society.
Playground Renovation Fund
Your generous donations will help raise $75,000 to support renovations of a new outdoor playground! The upgraded facility will be used by both Learning Together, and the Edenton Street United Methodist Church (ESUMC) Early Childhood Program.

Playground Renovation Fund
Your generous donations will help raise $75,000 to support renovations of a new outdoor playground! The upgraded facility will be used by both Learning Together, and the Edenton Street United Methodist Church (ESUMC) Early Childhood Program.
Support Our Mission
By making a one-time or recurring gift, you become a partner with Learning Together to inspire lifelong learning as we continue to invest in our children, families, teachers, and community.
Scholarship Fund
On average, we invest $25,000 each year to provide tuition scholarships to qualified families. Make a one-time gift to help ensure all children have access to quality Pre-K education.
Planned Giving
Are you looking to make a lasting impact? We provide several options that fund critical needs while providing you with potential tax benefits.

Stocks, Bonds & Mutual Funds
Explore ways to potentially reduce your taxable income while supporting our mission. To receive information on how to transfer stocks, bonds, or mutual funds to Learning Together, please contact our development team.

Gifts from Retirement Plans
If you are 70 ½ or older, you can choose to give your required annual distribution before December 31st of each year. This may provide significant tax benefits. Please check with your tax or legal advisor before making a gift of retirement plan assets.
To make a future gift of retirement plan assets simply requires a designation of Learning Together as the beneficiary of the plan. Please check with your tax or legal advisor before making a gift of retirement plan assets.

Bequest by Will
A Legacy of Giving – Including a charitable bequest in your will is a simple way to make a lasting gift to Learning Together and your community. You can leave a bequest by adding to an existing will or drafting a new one. Make a gift of a stated dollar amount, a percentage of your estate, or the remainder after distributions to other beneficiaries.
Charitable gifts may be tax-deductible to the extent allowable by law. Please consult your tax or legal advisor. If you have added Learning Together to your will, please let us know so that we may recognize you as part of our Legacy Society.
Únase a nuestro viaje hacia la educación inclusiva
Suscríbase a nuestro boletín para obtener historias inspiradoras, actualizaciones y formas de apoyar el aprendizaje equitativo para todos los niños.