PNC: Celebrating Two Decades of Grow Up Great

Earlier this month, Learning Together had the pleasure of hosting PNC Regional President Jim Hansen and a team of dedicated Raleigh-based PNC employees for a special reading session.
In celebration of the 20th anniversary of PNC Grow Up Great®, PNC's $500 million bilingual initiative aimed at preparing children for success in school and life, Hansen and his colleagues shared the children’s picture book Wonder Walkers with our students.
The book, which delves into the lessons of nature, was a fitting choice to mark this milestone anniversary. It was not only a change of pace from the financial documents that usually occupy Hansen’s time but also a vibrant exploration of the natural world that sparked joy and excitement in the young listeners and their adult guests.
In addition to sharing this story, the PNC team presented gifts of appreciation to our classroom teachers, recognizing their ongoing commitment to educating and nurturing young minds. This gesture, a testament to the partnership between PNC and Learning Together, underscored PNC's support for early childhood education.
We are grateful to Jim Hansen and all the PNC employees who participated in this memorable event. Your support plays a crucial role in our mission, and it helps enrich the educational experiences of the children we serve.